Rental Agreement
- I agree to comply with all terms and conditions.
- I agree to be responsible for all damage to and loss of the vehicle caused by collision, whether or not I am at fault.
- I agree to pay all rental fees, deposits, and any additional charges incurred during the rental period.
- I agree to maintain valid insurance coverage or purchase optional insurance coverage offered by the Company.
- I agree to return the vehicle in the same condition as received, with a full tank of fuel.
- I agree to report any accidents or damage to the vehicle to the Company immediately.
- I agree to renew the rental agreement every 30 days if the rental period exceeds 30 days.
- I agree to be responsible for any fines, toll charges, and other fees incurred during the rental period.
- I acknowledge that the vehicle is in good condition, free from any visible damage except as noted on the inspection form.
- I acknowledge that only authorized drivers listed in the rental agreement are permitted to drive the vehicle.
- I acknowledge that the vehicle may not be used for any illegal activity, towing or pushing another vehicle, racing or speed contests, transportation of hazardous materials, carrying passengers for hire, or off-road driving.
- I acknowledge that the Company or its partners may terminate this agreement at any time if any terms are violated.
- I acknowledge that I am responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the vehicle, towing, storage, and impound fees if I am at fault for any damage.
- I acknowledge that permitting a person who is not an Authorized Driver to use the vehicle is a willful and reckless act and a breach of this agreement.
- I acknowledge that California Vehicle Code Section 10855 applies and that failure to return the vehicle within 5 days after the lease or rental agreement has expired may result in legal action.